First Week Reflections

We’ve been officially open for one week, and what a week it has been. It seemed to have evaporated in the blink of an eye! And I couldn’t have hoped for a more positive experience in these initial days.

I taught two classes on Saturday morning (the 6th of April). We can think of these sessions as ‘pre-official opening’ classes. They were each full of clients who, over the years of me teaching, have become friends and friends who have become clients, and it was the ideal start for me to get out some of those opening day jitters! It felt amazing to be teaching for the first time in the new studio space – there were a couple of surreal moments for me where I truly needed someone to pinch me to make sure this was actually happening.

From Monday, the 8th, we’ve been officially open. Throughout the week, we’ve had lots of familiar faces coming to class
– full of kind words of encouragement and support, and enthusiastic about getting moving in Glow. We met plenty of new faces, too, and how lovely to already have so many taking interest in Pilates and in our studio space. Loads of people have commented on how it’s such a great location, and we agree wholeheartedly.

The sun has been shining all week, too, and it’s given a beautiful, welcoming glow (pardon the pun!) to our studio. A sunshine-y space feels wonderfully energetic and bright – an ideal setting for deep breaths as well as challenging workouts and everything in between.

Bright light, great energy, feel good movement – long may it last!

As we settle into the new space, as we break in our lovely new Pilates equipment, as we find our feet with our timetable, and as we get into a rhythm of Glow Pilates, we’re oh-so grateful for the positivity of these early days.

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