Studio Update – December 2020

Hello dear clients.

So, we need to share with you, and we do so with dismay, that we are unable to run group classes under the latest restrictions.

We spent much of last week feeling optimistic about fully reopening our services. And as such, we held off cancelling classes on the booking system.

The news sound bite many of us heard last week that ‘gyms, leisure centres and pools’ can reopen is misleading, however, as the details of the latest guidelines say that this is for ‘individual training only’ with protective measures in place.

(See details under ‘Sport – Training’ at )

We’re sure it will come as no surprise to you to hear that it saddens us that we won’t be seeing many of you in-studio for the remainder of the year. It is, however, still paramount that we all do our part in this pandemic. Just because we’re ‘over it’ doesn’t mean it’s over.

If holding off with our indoor group gatherings at the studio for a while longer means the possibility of getting back to our regular routines with Pilates groups (not to mention the countless other things we’re missing) more quickly, then it’s our duty to do the right thing, with as much patience that we can muster at this stage. Short term discomfort (and frustration) with long term hopefulness that all will be well with Glow Pilates in the future. Yes, here’s hoping.

In the meantime, here’s what we can offer you.

We will be happily reopening our doors for private Pilates sessions and for duo sessions (with pairs who reside at the same residence or who are within the same social bubble).

Leah, Catherine and Kristi are all available for private and duo Pilates sessions.

We continue to offer physiotherapy sessions with Catherine.

A selection of weekly Zoom classes will be available with Leah and Catherine, so keep an eye on our timetable for what’s on from week to week from the timetable on our website here.

And our YouTube channel has a collection of videos to help you keep moving free of charge at home (go subscribe!), with more content being added regularly from all 3 of us.

We’ll anxiously await further details on when group classes can return, and you can be sure we’ll let you know as soon as it’s possible.

Thanks as ever for being the best, most supportive clients.

We miss you!

Your Glow Pilates team

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